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Connecting FERMÀT and X (Twitter)

Learn how to setup X (Twitter) and grand the appropriate access.

Updated over a week ago

Here's how to connect X (Twitter) to FERMÀT

1. Share X ads account access with FERMAT

  • Visit and click on the top right menu

  • Click on “Edit access to account”

  • Press “Add access”

  • Type @fermatcommerce and select the FERMAT handle.

  • Change the role to “Ad Manager”

  • Save Changes

2. Make sure pixel and conversion events are configured

  • See X documentation to locate and add the pixel code to your website

    • If you use a 3rd party pixel manager, they may have specific instructions.

  • X recommends that e-commerce brands implement the following events:

    • Page View

    • Content View

    • Add to Cart

    • Purchase

  • When you create each event, select the corresponding pre-built event from the dropdown (named the same or similar)

  • Leave the default tracking windows

  • Select the option to configure the event in code instead of based on url

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