For one reason or another, you may want to restrict what products customers from different geographical locations can see within a FERMÀT funnel.
Illegal or restricted in certain states like THC/CBD
Subject to strict international regulations
Expensive to ship due to weight or other factors
Regardless of the reason you can now hide certain products within FERMÀT based on the person's IP address here's how
How does it work?
When users enter a FERMÀT funnel we check their IP address to see where they are shopping from. Based on that IP address we hide products that you have excluded from that geographic location.
These products will not be displayed within product grids and the PDPs will be blocked for that customer.
If a restricted product is in a video product module
or a shoppable product card module it will still be shown to the customer but the customer will not be able to click through to purchase.
How to set up a geo-gate on a product
Here's a quick step-by-step guide to setting up a geo-gates
1. Navigate to the products section in the left-hand navigation
2. Select the product you wish to gate
3. Navigate to the settings of that product
4. Select "Product Visibility" from the options
5. Decide what states or countries to include/exclude
🔥 You can build your restrictions list by selecting which states to include or exclude. Select the smaller list for faster setup.