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Building a Bundle

This article will teach you how to build and merchandise a bundle within a FERMÀT Funnel.

Updated over a month ago

Building a bundle has historically been a pain, do you create a single SKU in Shopify for all the products or do you integrate bundle functionality across the site?

Both of these options do not lend themself to doing quick merchandising experiments from your ads. But, that's why we're giving you Bundle Builder.

Looking for tips on what bundles to build? Check out our bundle best practices.

What is Bundle Builder

Bundle Builder is a new feature within FERMÀT that allows you to merchandise independent products together for a specific price. If the product exists it can be bundled with others (including custom FERMÀT products) to build a bundle.

Bundle Builder Use Cases

Here are a few ways brands are using Bundle Builder to experiment faster and create better shopper experiences.

Remember that these bundles will live independent of whats merchandised on the main site.

  • Use Bundle Builder to create bundles of products that are mentioned by specific influencers

  • Create a bundle with a discount that includes all of the products in a particular ad such as a get ready with me

  • Easily create bundles with short shelf lives like for holidays or special occasions

  • Validate bundle ideas quickly via paid promotion before investing in the infrastructure on the main site.

How to Build a Bundle in FERMÀT

Building a bundle in FERMÀT is easy and fast, allowing you to build bundles tailored to each ad, for a specific promotion or holiday, or to test out future on site bundles.

  1. Simply navigate to the Products Tab and click Add Bundle.

2. Give your bundle a name

3. Select the products to include in the bundle

Note: that the price of your bundle will change as you ad more products to it. You can adjust the price of this bundle once products are selected by adjusting the discount.

4. Select the images you would like to use when someone clicks a bundle details page. The image in position one will be used as the hero image.

5. Add a discount for this bundle

Note: If you have a funnnel discount or an account discount applied this discount will stack. You can adjust a shop discount in shop settings, if you need to adjust an account discount contact your Account Manager.

6. Use the bundle within your funnels

Now that your bundle is created you can include it in Funnels the same way as any other product. Simply select it to add it to catalogs, hero cards, or shopable product cards.

Bundle Builder FAQs

Why can’t I add constituent products to my bag when I have a bundle in my cart?

  • If you have a bundle in your cart, you cannot add constituent products of the same variant to your bag as we’re unable to support the checkout experience

  • The inverse is also true - if you have a constituent product in your cart, the bundle will appear out of stock for the same variants

How many bundles can I create?

There's no limit to the amount of bundles that you can create. You are currently only able to use one bundle built in FERMÀT per funnel. You can use a different bundle across Shop Experiments though.

How many products can be in a bundle?

Once again there is no limit to the amount of products that can be in a bundle. The larger the bundle though the more vertical scroll length it takes. We recommend 2-5 products per bundle.

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